the page avenue

the page avenue 24 habits for 2024

24 Habits to Become A Better You in 2024

As I reflect on all that happened in 2023, there are a few standout habits that I adopted that changed my life for the better that I will continue on with in the New Year. With every ball drop, I use this time as an opportunity for self-reflection and celebration. It’s important to pat yourself on the back for all that you accomplished while recognizing what you could do better to become the best version of yourself! Here is the complete roundup of all of the 24 habits to become a better you in 2024 (from someone who has tried them all + has changed their life!).

1. Staying active

I know, I know… Everyone wants to begin their fitness journey in the new year. BORING! Take it from someone who HATED working out for most of her adult life. I started doing workouts 2-5 times a week this year and this is the single biggest (and best) thing I did for myself in 2023.

My biggest advice is to find a workout that works for your body. I hated working out before because I was forcing myself to do workouts that were not for me. Now that I’ve found activities that I enjoy and actually work for my body, I am addicted! It has helped me SO MUCH mentally, and physically. The Cycle Syncing trend is another example of how certain workouts can work best for each body differently – and I love the science behind that!

Personally running + hot yoga are my favorite workouts! I take classes at local studios via ClassPass and also do all of my running with Peloton classes (Kirsten + Olivia are my fav instructors!).

2. Vision Boards
My phone wallpaper vision board

For the past 4 years, I have created a vision board at the end (or beginning) of each year to help visualize my goals. I have a whole dedicated post on how doing this has completely changed my life – but it is proven to help you take mental note of your goals and help you achieve them by seeing them! Whether you want a new car, a new job, have a personal goal, etc. this is the perfect place to compile pictures of those goals so that you have reminders on what you’re hoping to acheive.

3. Manifesting

If there’s one thing you take away from these habits – let it be manifesting. You don’t have to be a spiritual person to do this. Every year I write down my top 5-10 goals – the craziest most outlandish ones too. Writing down your goals is one of the most proven ways to help you achieve what you want in life. It’s amazing to look back on all of your goals from prior years to see what you’ve accomplished! The things in my wildest dreams have happened this way – like setting a goal to make 6 figures by the time I turned 26, and then it happening 2 weeks before my birthday.

4. Journaling

Manifesting + journaling go hand in hand, but can be done completely separately. This 5-minute journal is what I started with to make it super easy and achievable. It’s a great way to sit down and write down your gratitude and also helps you reflect on what makes you happy in life! It is also proven to boost your mental state.

5. Understanding your WHY

For so long, I was stuck in a cycle of the mundane. Going to a job I hated, eating terribly, and doing things that I didn’t want for myself on the daily. I had a long hard reflection with myself and decided it was time to stop. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great life. But I wasn’t living to my fullest potential – which was a huge disservice to myself. For months I spent time defining my WHY and did daily things to help me get one step closer to where I wanted to be. I started by looking back at the goals I had set for myself and also started doing meditations. Then, followed that by doing more (or less) of what truly made me happy! Quit that job. Cut off those people in your life. And do what makes you happy – life is too short. Visualize your highest self, and then start showing up as her! Your future self will thank you.

6. Find a hobby

This one is so fun and simple! Think back to what you did as a child that was fun. Mine was gymnastics. I started taking adult gymnastics classes and not only was it a fun workout – it was a great way to give back to my inner child! Hobbies are a great way to give yourself purpose outside of your job, as well as a fun way to socialize outside of your normal circles.

7. Get outside

Getting outside is one of the simplest, yet beneficial habits you can build. Whether that is taking a walk outside, visiting a local park, going on outdoor runs, grounding… you name it!! There are so many ways to get outside. The health benefits are also amazing. It’s proven that going outdoors can lead to improved health, by way of a stronger immune system, better sleep, and reduced stress. I started doing 30 minute walks/runs before work every morning and saw a huge boost in my mood!

8. Ice Water Facial

I started dunking my face in a bowl filled with ice water for 20-30 seconds and it has become one of my favorite habits this year! I typically did this after a workout or first thing in the morning. It helps with your pores and wakes you up – double whammy. Overtime I saw a difference in my skin too! The best part is that it’s free. All you need is a bowl, water, and ice!

9. Botox 😂

This one is obviously the most expensive habit on the list… but is well-worth it in my opinion! I used to work at a dermatologist while in college and started doing baby botox early on. Ever since then I have been doing Botox and can’t quit it. I’ve tried to go without it for a few months but can see a huge difference (mainly in my frown lines) so it is worth every penny. It also helps me look more friendly at work and at home haha. It’s a 3 month habit – but a habit well spent!

10. Saying No

Being a yes man can be a bad habit for yourself. It’s so easy to be a people pleaser – especially when it comes to those you love! I am still working on this one – but saying no to things I don’t want to do really helps. Whether that is not spending on something you don’t want, saying no to plans, or setting boundaries at work. Saying no will seriously help your life get better in more ways than you can count!

11. Goal Setting

If you’re reading this, you likely have goals or want to start making some for yourself. This is the first step to building habits like manifesting and vision boarding, but is a crucial aspect that I think everyone should have in their life. It’s important to set goals for yourself so that you have something to work towards and are getting better throughout the course of your life! No matter how big or small the goals are. It could be as simple as making your bed everyday to landing your dream job. By setting your goals you are giving yourself a north star to work towards, and from there can take the baby steps to get there.

12. Calendar Blocking

This habit has increased my productivity so much! I don’t have ADHD (that I know about hahaha) but I can get so distracted, especially whenever I have a super busy schedule. I found this life hack on TikTok and it has changed my life for the better. To calendar block you seriously block every hour of your day from the time you wake up until it’s time for bed. My days are a lot more strategic when I do this and help me GET SHIT DONE. Here is an example of what my time blocked days look like:

the page avenue calendar blocking
13. Waking up a little earlier

Another simple (and obvious) habit that has helped my life improve is waking up a little bit earlier. You do not have to get up at 5am and be a psycho. But waking up even a little earlier than your usual start time helps you have time for yourself before the craziness of the day starts!

14. Unplugging

Reserve some unplugged time in your day to unwind and take a break from the screens. In the world we live in today, it’s hard to do this sadly. We are so consumed with devices at work and then after work (TV, phones, more computers) to where it is hard to break free. Leaving your phone in the other room when you’re going to sleep or even setting your tech aside after being on it all day is a great way to unplug and live in the moment. Like the olden days!

15. Get 1% better everyday

It’s so overwhelming to look at big goals and the road to get there. By reframing your mindset and approach to doing something everyday that gets you 1% closer to your goals, it becomes a lot more obtainable and exciting. Choose one small thing that you can do consistently and get better at it.

16. List keeping

I am a manic list keeper and it has changed so many aspects of my life! I make shopping lists for myself which helps me shop smarter, I keep a running list going throughout the year for Christmas so that I know what to get people, I make lists on my favorite places to eat, my goals lists, ideas list, literally everything. It’s a great way to quickly keep track of things you don’t want to forget on your phone! It is also probably why I am a blogger 😂

17. Unfriending, blocking & deleting

In 2024 we do not have the energy for people who are no longer serving us! The best thing I ever did for myself this year was cut off people in my life that I have outgrown. Unfriend the people who are not there for you, block people who spread negative energy, and just flat out delete people from your page. They have no business disrupting your peace on YOUR social media. Girl bye!!

18. Being sober curious

In my early 20s I was the biggest party girl. That girl has since retired and we don’t know her. There are a ton of people also dipping their toes into the sober curious waters which inspired me to try this out this year. You don’t have to completely cut off drinking if that’s not apart of your journey, but it’s about doing what makes you feel best. Alcohol can just make you feel crappy the next day (mentally + physically) so swapping the cocktails for mocktails is still fun without the side effects. Plus, there are so many non-alc drinks around now it’s easier than ever!

19. Finding your personal style

Old money aesthetic. Coastal grandmother. Electric grandpa. Coastal cowboy. All of these are passerby trends that are likely not true to “you”. In order to look and feel your best in your clothes it’s important to find your personal style! This was one of the best habits that took a lot of self control that I cultivated this year. Start by taking note of what looks best on you and makes you feel most confident and buy more of that!

20. Purging the unnecessary

After moving literally 12 times this year, I realized how important it was to purge all of the junk! Marie Kondo-ing your life—out with the old, in with minimalism. It’s not just about cleaning out your closet; it’s about ditching the stuff, people, or habits that don’t spark joy. Simplify, declutter, and make room for the good vibes. If you haven’t touched or thought about it in more than 6 months, it’s time to go to the trash or donation!

21. Having motivators

This is such a major habit! Having motivators is like having your personal cheerleaders, urging you to crush those goals. Whether it’s a mantra, a goal, personal hero, or your favorite motivational podcast, let that motivator be your guiding star. When the times get tough, it’s important to have this habit to fall back on so that you can keep on moving forward in the right direction!

22. Living fully

This mantra comes from one of my favorite fellow Kentuckians, Mallory Ervin. This way of life is the new approach I take in my life and I have seen my life do a complete 180 this year. Living fully is to resist a “just fine” existence and to step into a life you’ve never dared to imagine before. It’s a reminder to yourself to stop returning to a “just getting by mentality” and shift your perspective to live to your fullest potential.

23. Not falling for every trend

Trends? Cute, but we’re busy being authentically us. Not falling for every trend is like giving the finger to FOMO and embracing your unique style. It’s not about being anti-cool; it’s about choosing what feels right for you. So, dance to your beat, own your style, and let the trends do their thing. My favorite habit is building capsule wardrobes that are my tried and true staple pieces!

24. Mouth taping

Chisel your jaw and stop waking up with a dry mouth? Sign me up!! As odd as mouth taping sounds, it wildly improves your sleep and overall facial structure! This picture also lives rent free in my head so I force myself to wear it so that I don’t start looking all crazy.

I hope these habits have inspired you to become a better you in 2024! If you have any habits I should know about please let me know – I’m always looking to try new wellness hacks. x – Kaelyn

Image Credit: Mae&Co Creative

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