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vision boards and manifestations

Why Vision Boards and Manifestations Really Work

The start of every new year brings a blank page to start fresh. Traditionally we’re expected to make resolutions like lose weight, go to the gym, or land that dream job. For me, that method never worked. January is filled with motivation and then the flame dies. I ditched the traditional method and found why vision boards and manifestations really work.

Since 2020, I’ve gone the untraditional route – vision boards and manifestations. Not only have a lot more of my goals been achieved throughout the year, but I’m also a lot more motivated and inspired to work towards them. Each year I reflect on what I’ve accomplished by looking back and it’s mind-blowing to see how many of my dreams have come true! Some of the most successful people such as OprahDrake, and Virgil Abloh swear by manifesting and vision boards and have made their dreams come true through their power.

So, here’s why vision boards + manifestations are the most powerful New Years Resolutions for 2024.

Your goals are limitless

With this method, you’re no longer bound to one goal, word, or resolution. You can have as many goals and desired accomplishments as you please! It’s best not to overdo it, so I usually start with 10-15 specific things that I hope to make happen in the New Year. You are capable of your biggest and loftiest dreams and the universe will help you accomplish them so dream big!!

You’re creating a positive headspace of self-belief

I am healthy, I will own, I am wealthy, I am happy…. you get the picture! You are quite literally telling yourself that you are capable of achieving all of the things you dream of. Psychologically, you begin to believe it and Dr. Carol Dweck says that this actually makes it more likely that you’ll successfully do it.

This Five Minute Journal is a great addition to your morning routine that helps you nurture that positive headspace! It is super quick and easy and gives you daily prompts to help you express your gratitude and goals.

You can visualize where you want to go next year

Start with your manifestations and then craft your vision board of what your life will look like. Print it out and use it as a reminder on your desk, as your computer wallpaper, or on your nightstand of what you can do. It helps serve as a positive affirmation that all that you’re manifesting is real and tangible.

Here is an example of my vision board from last year! I make them in Canva and source inspiration from Pinterest. I typically set it as my phone and computer wallpaper as well so I can have a daily visual!

Your goals are more specific and concise, therefore more actionable

One of my favorite manifestation stories comes from the famous Jim Carrey. He believed in his acting career and where it would go and wrote himself a $10 million dollar check with a 10-year date on it and kept it in his wallet. 10 years later, he was cast in the “Dumb and Dumber” movie for you guessed it – $10 million. I always say this but the universe has a funny way of working with you and for you! This worked for me when I wrote that I would make 6 figures by my 26th birthday. TWO WEEKS before my birthday it happened. on. the. dot.

They’re less toxic than the traditional resolution methods

Instead of putting yourself down on parts of yourself that you want to reinvent, you are telling yourself that you can achieve your wildest dreams and speak them into the universe. Telling yourself that you need to lose 20 pounds can lead to toxic eating or dieting patterns, while manifesting that you will become a healthier version of “you” leads to a more inspirational transformation.

Even though vision boards + manifestations are about turning your dreams into reality, they are worthless without you taking the proactive steps towards what you desire and putting in the hard work. For example, when I manifested traveling for half of the year and making 6 figures by my birthday and it came to reality…. but that wouldn’t have been possible without hard work and determination.

All this to say, the powerful combination of vision boards and manifestations has proven to be more successful than any new years resolution that I’ve done over the course of my entire life (and I’ve only been doing this method for 4 years). I am immensely grateful and blessed for what this duo has done for my life and tell everyone I love to do the same! I love you readers too so had to let you all in on the secret recipe too. Happy vision boarding and manifesting!!

xoxo – Kaelyn Page

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