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I’ve Been Diagnosed with Lucky Girl Syndrome

If you’re on TikTok you’ve likely seen the viral “lucky girl syndrome” and the wild things it has done to improve lives. I am obsessing over this trend because it can quite literally change your life for the better! One of the worst things we can do for our current and future selves is to have self-doubt. It only blocks our full potential! This year, I am blocking all negative-self talk and fully embracing that I’ve been diagnosed with lucky girl syndrome. What is Lucky Girl Syndrome, you ask?

Lucky Girl Syndrome is believing that you are the luckiest person in the world and everything you want is already on its way to you. It’s believing that the universe is literally rigged in your favor. Lucky Girl Syndrome is based on the Law of Assumption – that of what you believe to be true becomes your reality.

This is so so so important because our mental conversations become our reality. Imagine what that can do to your business, career, relationships, etc by constantly telling yourself you’re not capable of something and having severe imposter syndrome. It is a huge success-blocker and will set you back years in life. Lucky Girl Syndrome is the best way to create your most successful life and version of yourself.

How to have Lucky Girl Syndrome:

There are 3 simple steps to start having Lucky Girl Syndrome:

  1. Play the game in your mind
    • First and foremost. It’s a game to play in your mind. It’s a way to justify to your brain why everything you want always works out in your favor because you have this syndrome. This is a mindset tool to bring awareness to and catch how often you’re telling yourself the opposite thing… That things won’t work out. Think about what that does to your brain – it discourages yourself before you’ve even gotten started. Lucky Girl Syndrome is simply a mindset game to train your brain to focus on the BEST CASE SCENARIO to help change the outcome and how you feel everyday. Peace out self doubt ✌️
  2. When things go low, you go high.
    • Life happens and you aren’t going to be lucky 100% of the time. And that’s okay!! But instead of being bummed out about it or telling yourself that you’re in a shit situation and letting it take over your mental state, you have to tell your self to take the high road. For example… If something doesn’t go your way, change your initial reaction from “oh I hate my life, this is so unfair” to “it’s okay, this wasn’t for me and something better is coming”. This is going to rewire your brain to feel that rejection is a redirection that is ultimately bringing you to the best possible outcome!
  3. Pay attention when lucky things happen
    • You need to begin acknowledging every good thing that happens to you. For example, you find a $5 bill on the floor. When something like this happens (big or small) you need to say out loud “I am the luckiest person in the world, great things are always happening to me!”. Why do this you ask? Your subconscious will start to believe that you already are and will continue to be that lucky.

This can help you land your dream job, have a successful business, move to your dream city, improve your relationship and so many other endless possibilities! You are so lucky and this will be your best year yet. Don’t forget – the entire universe is on your side & rooting for you to get what you want!


Kaelyn Page

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